
  On a hot summer afternoon in New York, Emma Jones gossips with other neighbors in her residential building about the affair that Mrs. Anna Maurrant and the milkman Steve Sankey are having. When the rude and unfriendly Mr. Frank Maurrant arrives, they change the subject. Meanwhile, their teenage daughter Rose Maurrant is being sexually pressured by her married boss Mr. Bert Easter. She does however very much like her kind young Jewish neighbor Sam, who has a serious crush on her.
  The next morning, Frank Maurrant tells his wife that he is traveling to Stamford on business. Mrs. Maurrant meets the gentle Sankey in her apartment, but out of the blue Frank comes back home. He realizes his wife is upstairs with Sankey, and runs upstairs. We hear shots and see the two men struggling as Sankey tries to escape through the window. Maurrant runs out with a gun. He has killed Sankey and fatally wounded his wife.
  Maurrant is apprehended and is led away by police. He apologizes to his daughter Rose, who will now have to take care of herself and her young brother without either parent. Rose's boss offers once again to set her up in her own apartment, but she refuses. Then she sees Sam, and tells him she wants to leave the city. Sam pleads with her to let him go with her, but she tells him it will be better for the two of them to have a couple of years apart before they consider becoming a couple. Rose walks off down the street by herself.


  • 卫巨宽 5小时前 :


  • 员梓露 2小时前 :


  • 伍春华 0小时前 :

    Emma Thompson最后在镜子前欣赏自己的那幕跟张艾嘉在《20 30 40》中很像。

  • 令小霜 3小时前 :


  • 宓宏富 2小时前 :

    灾难片里主角以外的人都是炮灰,跑着跑着就被砸死在半路上。除此之外也有这样的故事在讲述每个平凡人在未知遭遇里的平凡细节。好好啊!gayest town in newfoundland!

  • 多晨曦 7小时前 :


  • 书锐阵 7小时前 :


  • 展清润 0小时前 :


  • 凌洁 5小时前 :


  • 姬雨文 6小时前 :


  • 宫诗槐 6小时前 :


  • 南门曼雁 7小时前 :

    2021 #67。就算撇开剧情不看,演员的情绪和表演,现场的走位调度打光大家不停的脱衣服穿衣服更换口音扮演不同的角色,舞台中央竟然还是个大转盘,能这样完整流畅的表演下来已经值得8.5往上了,再加上完全可以走煽情路线但是却走了乐观阳光积极向上的路线让我对编剧更加敬佩。作为一个去过911 Memorial Museum的人,那两个深不见底的巨型方形水池还是很令人震撼的。唯一令人唏嘘的是看完这个去搜“911纽芬兰”想了解更多背后的故事,出来的第一条新闻是“白宫恩将仇报,宣布禁止美国口罩生产商3M公司向邻国加拿大和拉丁美洲国家出口医用口罩”。有的时候患难见真情,更多的时候是患难见人品。放在国与国之间是这样,人与人之间更是。

  • 义香巧 6小时前 :


  • 俟飞兰 3小时前 :


  • 弓思涵 8小时前 :


  • 千如冬 7小时前 :

    be anxious for nothing.

  • 姜浦泽 9小时前 :


  • 卫竞飞 3小时前 :

    pleasure is not a shame.看名字还以为是一个温情故事,但看完想到的是《女性瘾者》,不在于剧情,而在于启蒙、探索。

  • 库向南 1小时前 :

    Fantasy?no. Liberation?YES!Even a first step!

  • 同飞兰 1小时前 :



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