
  这是Richard Lester最好的一个片。
  An absurdist classic
  This is a wonderful surreal comedy based on the play by Spike Milligan and John Antrobus. You know that it is going to be an odd film right at the beginning, when the opening credits list the cast in order of their height. The film begins with the BBC (Frank Thornton) telling us through the facade of an old television that this is the third, or is it the fourth?, anniversary of the shortest war in history, lasting 2 hours and 28 minutes. England is now a barren landscape, littered with derelict cars and buildings, hills of old boots, broken crockery, and other debris. Forty million people perished and there are only 20 known survivors. The Queen did not survive, and of the 20 known survivors the next in line for the throne is a Mrs Ethel Schroake of 393a High Street, Leytonstone. Among the other survivors are Ralph Richardson (O Lucky Man!) as Lord Fortnum of Alamein, who isn't looking forward to his impending mutation into a bed sitting room. Michael Hordern is Bules Martin, who wears a 18-carat Hovis bread ring. Spike Milligan is a postman who wanders around and delivers some memorable dialogue, for example: "And in come the three bears - the daddy bear said, 'Who's been sleeping in my porridge?' - and the mummy bear said, 'that's no porridge, that was my wife' ". Arthur Lowe is slowly turning into a parrot (which is then eaten by Spike Milligan), while his wife, the owner of her own death certificate, turns into a wardrobe. His daughter is pregnant with a strange creature, which she has held inside her for seventeen months. Peter Cook and Dudley Moore are a pair of policemen who perpetually tell the others to "keep moving!". Moore growls a lot and turns into a dog at the end. Marty Feldman is a wellington-boot-wearing nurse. It's a hilarious, absurdist treat, and one of my treasured filmic pleasures.


  • 刑德惠 2小时前 :


  • 东方瑞云 0小时前 :


  • 旅妙之 0小时前 :


  • 吉勇 8小时前 :


  • 康运 2小时前 :


  • 圣阳荣 8小时前 :


  • 士贝丽 6小时前 :


  • 凡晨 4小时前 :


  • 从博雅 4小时前 :


  • 大千儿 5小时前 :

    好看呐,虽然情节可预知性略高,但就是喜欢这一挂拷问观者的电影。精准的景别调度+预先张扬的炸弹时刻+类型元素拼接+连接影像与现实/恐惧与欲望的匹配剪辑(尤其是情绪高潮点的几次频闪式剪辑,击打观者内心的同时也指向了正反两位主角的二位一体,太棒了)以及某种精神污染式的“反凝视”,再到最后以“分级标志”呈现的片名完成闭环,在戏谑中直面爱和欲望的本质。BTW,查了一下,老太太果然也是Mia Goth演的,她在红光中起舞的那段一度看哭了

  • 凡呈 5小时前 :


  • 塞冬卉 3小时前 :

    是徒劳吗? 所以驹子爱的是行男吗?所以驹子的一生是徒劳吗?

  • 於景福 8小时前 :

    就知道不好拍 果然温开水 完成任务一样极速地交代 让人想问 你们在干什么?

  • 戢沛儿 2小时前 :


  • 振钊 9小时前 :


  • 关觅双 6小时前 :


  • 信延 9小时前 :


  • 侍晓瑶 5小时前 :


  • 吉涵菡 9小时前 :

    This adaptation of the historical novel by Ryotaro Shiba.navigates between, well, adapting the book, yakubd.net and (trying to) find its own footing in history.

  • 彩香 4小时前 :



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