上海李雅48分在线看 高清

9.0 推荐

分类: 剧情片 2009

导演: 娄烨


IN SHANGHAIIn Shanghai Lou Ye, 2001short FilmIn Shanghai or the eyes of a Chinese director of his city, Shanghai, Communist economic center , but also megalopolis with many faces ...Lou Ye is a great filmmaker. After having the success that we know for the sublime Suzhou River, the young director of the sixth generation is coupled to the design of this short film about Shanghai, the city of his heart , beautiful and multicultural . Camera in hand ( for lovers is a Sony DSR- PD150 DVCam ... ) for subjective , Lou Ye rhyme begins this urban plan by a girl asleep on a bed. Slowly the camera moves out of the suburb where this unknown young woman is given the arms of Morpheus , better visit this city that is Shanghai. The narrator who is also the hero says in voice-over that he loves this megalopolis . It focuses on the residents of these neighborhoods without cloth and without resources where most of the native population of Shanghai Lodge . Indeed the streets Zongshan Donglu which contains the Bund, Pudong, the famous Oriental Pearl is not the stock market and everyone. We must go farther Jingan District to discover the social wealth of this city . Why attach immense cold and nervous architectures while the Shanghai Blood flows through the veins of its rural ? It's a little message Lou Ye through this short film ."You can guess who they are, but we can never really know "Lou Ye eradicates a rare cinematic power of this often precarious and old people waiting on the bus every morning to go to work and make the Chinese economy humming .The old streets of the city like the nearby temple Cheung Hong Bund to the bank of the Huangpu , the filmmaker does not recognize the city. As if all these steel towers of the 21st century had absorbed the social essence of the " Paris of the East" .Lou Ye then takes us on a visit to the arcades , discos, clubs, dances, flashy locations and disconnected from the reality of ordinary people in the middle of poverty which is near workers and street vendors where people drown their defecation in water by putting the edge of an old tub ... This is a new look for the Western .Finally, after making stops in a dangerous Shanghai streets by night , the hero wakes up in the morning director in a corner near buildings unsafe and fixed on the face of a shy child , concluding : "The only thing that matters is Shanghai . "By these words Mr. Lou Ye, I bear you my esteem .


  • 惠涵润 3小时前 :


  • 操雅柔 1小时前 :


  • 微生永年 3小时前 :


  • 塔采春 5小时前 :

    小人物与强权对抗 个人权益被霸占剥夺 就在百姓身边 可能此刻也正在发生的 立意没问题已经很明确了 后半段有些冗长 就不用一直重复 所有的台词都把主旨扒着耳朵讲 太刻意会出戏 点到为止的发人深省不好嘛【电影公元影城

  • 律初兰 9小时前 :


  • 侯盼翠 7小时前 :

    3.5 没看过《误杀》,所以这回看真的惊呆了:卧槽,还有这种操作?!?!把故事架设在泰国,真的是非常聪明、一举两得的办法,既能规避审查风险,又能走出国门、见到整个华人群体。真的,这才是我们的工业应该输出的东西。但前提又在于,它理应是原创,不然也无非就是面对一下自己观众,制造一个泛华的假象,而这也是这个系列最大的矛盾点。

  • 千竹月 0小时前 :


  • 拱平文 9小时前 :


  • 刀半兰 7小时前 :


  • 保从筠 0小时前 :


  • 司子凡 3小时前 :


  • 卫敏 7小时前 :


  • 别醉易 1小时前 :


  • 公良凡白 0小时前 :


  • 冬静 6小时前 :

    一边看 一边内心大喊救命 这种剧本都能拍

  • 卢雅美 3小时前 :

    打低分的人只会抠细节,说这里演技不好,那里道具不合理。 但是在现在这个很左的环境下,拐弯到泰国拍一个这样的题材的片子已经值得满分

  • 怡花 6小时前 :

    强力的台词与足够的视觉冲击力, 观看价值得到有效的提升; 虽然故事的部分情节, 因意料之外的数次转折, 阅读趣味得到有效的保障。 然而对于角色设定的浪费, 对于实话加工的敷衍, 在依照类型公式按部就班的制作方式下, 不仅使影片拥有了与同类型的高重合度, 也一定程度上毁损了影片的质量。

  • 斌暄 0小时前 :


  • 婷栀 8小时前 :

    打低分的人只会抠细节,说这里演技不好,那里道具不合理。 但是在现在这个很左的环境下,拐弯到泰国拍一个这样的题材的片子已经值得满分

  • 佴鹏天 3小时前 :



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