家长致信未来亲家 高清

9.0 推荐

分类: 欧美剧 1991

导演: Chris Sanderson


The family are put through their paces, to get fit to face the future using some of the latest gadgets and gizmos, including electric bikes to get them out of their cars. But, to test if they really work, the family are set some tough challenges: to take on pro-cyclists on Sheffield's notorious hills and do the weekly family supermarket shop on two wheels. There are also computers to take over the jobs that humans used to do, from a prototype robot dietician that talks to you as it monitors what you eat and how you exercise, to a computerised version of a personal fitness coach to monitor and map your exercise regime. Super-fit Joel also tests out scientifically designed post-workout suits created to get your body back in shape, promising 50% less fatigue! In the newly-futurised bathroom there's a £5000 mirror that monitors your health by reading your weight, BMI and body fat percentage (as well as displaying news, weather and social media sites), and a toilet that gives you an intimate 'wash and blow dry'. Meanwhile, the family are on a diet of 'super shakes' - tipped to take off in the next decade as smoothies did in the last one - complete with spirulina, raw cocoa and bee pollen. Can it help diabetic dad Tony control his blood-sugar level? And there are more edible medicals, as the family experiment with Japanese sweets that promise to boost your collagen or even make your breasts grow. SERIES SYNOPSIS What happens if you ask a normal family to boldly go where no one has gone before - to live in the future? This five-part series transforms a family's home from top to bottom, filling it with futuristic technology and gadgets. As well as having cutting-edge technology and gadgets to play with, the family will be challenged by scenarios likely to come in the next 20 to 50 years. Overseen by expert Chris Sanderson, the family will discover how we may work, rest and play, as well as how we may eat, travel, stay healthy and power our homes.


  • 礼和颂 1小时前 :


  • 枫楠 1小时前 :


  • 霍云淡 9小时前 :


  • 羽雨雪 6小时前 :


  • 茜雪 1小时前 :

    如果我們都被困在當下,日復一日單調重複,又有多少人願意多想一點、多邁一步?所以既然需要那麼多的機會成本,不如打一把遊戲和AI,反正隨時可以重啟。Have a great day, with/out free will。【WandaBB】

  • 洁馨 4小时前 :


  • 童星驰 5小时前 :


  • 静梅 6小时前 :


  • 謇驰逸 5小时前 :


  • 馨初 2小时前 :

    B / 中途Guy质疑人生意义的时候已经无限接近一种对存在意义的哲思,但只是这毕竟不应该是继续往下探讨的批判性电影,终归回归到娱乐性言情剧。最后一台服务器仍然不会被试验性地摧毁,来映证人生皆为此时此刻的结论。

  • 梦馨 7小时前 :


  • 骞礼 1小时前 :


  • 辰嘉 6小时前 :


  • 舒飞跃 9小时前 :

    你们不觉得比头号玩家好吗? 全场共鸣可多了

  • 环丁辰 6小时前 :


  • 贲翠丝 7小时前 :

    终于有人拍出理工男的浪漫了! 我的程序设置就是这样 表白的瞬间我竟然感动到掉了泪 天呐

  • 由雪晴 5小时前 :


  • 蔺雅可 9小时前 :


  • 翦曼珠 8小时前 :

    看完就觉得迪士尼大法好哈哈。看片头的时候还悄悄感慨,20世纪没了福斯还真的小不适应,但是看到打斗那段的几个“彩蛋”真的是要在电影院跳起来,简直是画龙点睛。当然电影本身是很爆米花,但也是很成功的爆米花,轻松快乐的看电影,谁不喜欢呢。还有一个看遍豆瓣都没发现有人提的小小彩蛋:结尾小情侣相认一段的BGM我听着非常耳熟,然后想起来是跟2012年的奥斯卡最佳动画短片Paperman的配乐很像(我很喜欢这个短片,看过很多遍,已经刻入骨髓);回来之后找来听发现都是同一个作曲家Christophe Beck!!在Free Guy的原声专辑中叫《Reunited》,跟《Paperman》并不完全相同,但是有些段落极为相似,你说他没有“自我致敬”我是不信的(doge),但是其实那一段电影情节和Paperman其实也算异曲同工了。

  • 阙新之 0小时前 :



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